Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Latina - Part 1

Latina - We leave the east coast and travel south west to the town of Latina - along the Tyrrhenian Sea
More beautiful countryside along the way - at least until we hit the city traffic of Rome. 
Italian Greeting
By now we are accustomed to the Italian greeting - kiss, kiss
men, women - doesn't matter
Start with the left cheek, let them lead ... get in line
We meet more of Santo's family from his father's side - Great Aunt Grace is 93, the remaining sibling of his grandfather.  She was a little girl when she last saw her brother, and the family was very excited to meet Santo.
Santo's cousin Giusy was very excited to meet him and she was our tour-guide and took the role of family translator. 
This big family unit lives in an apartment complex - pretty cool.  I think they are the entire complex.  I never actually figured out who lived in which apartment, I just barely figured who went with whom.  There were two floors, I think.  The lobby and hallway areas were beautiful - marble floors.  Every apartment had at least one terrace and they were large, with awnings and large pots growing lemon trees or some other tropical plant.  You could live on the terrace.  Every apartment has a cool spiral stairway that was a focal point - I wondered where they went and was at the top of the stairs.  
There were many cousins to meet and lots of photos to share. 
Santo brought his laptop and shared family photos - this was always a time when everyone would gather around to see the old photos Santo had gathered and photos of their American family.
Then Aunt Grace got out her albums and shared her photos.
I have to say that all of Santo's family made Tom and I feel like their family - I think I could have slipped some pictures into the album and they wouldn't have minded at all.
Giusy took us the a beach on the Tyrrhenian Sea. 
Cappuccino and Sunset - bella

The sand here is darker - lava is mixed with the sand.
Did I mention that we were getting spoiled ...
... if we weren't sure, our stay in Latina confirmed it.
These are three of the Latina Ladies
On the right is Anna.  She spoke NO English. 
Her mission was to make sure that I ate everything - and she took that job seriously. 
Tom said she watched me like a hawk. 
 She did show me how to eat the fish - for which I was thankful. 
A whole fish on your plate can be intimidating and she had some skills. 
We went to dinner ... at a restaurant where you park amongst the olive trees ...
 ... and ate ... and ate ... and ate ...

This is the appetizer plate - per person.

 Additional appetizers were served family style.

The wine glass was HUGE - and the wine was delicious. 
We are taught the Italian toast Cin cin!!! (Cheers)

 This is a partial view of the enormous table - Santo was seated at the head of the table,
with Great Aunt Grace to his right.

and the pasta course ...

 ... and then insalata ... 

... and greens ...

... and carne (meat) three different choices ...
(by that I mean that you eat at least one of all three choices)

 ... and dolce ...
I was caught red-handed talking half a piece of each.

... then for digestion (digestivo) ... a shot of Limón cello ...
... or some bubbly ... or other liquor ...
It was an unbelievable meal!!!
Yes, I think we were on our way to gluttony.


Mary Arrives!!! 

her only request/fear is that we be waiting for her at the airport when she arrives ...
But first  ... we eat!
Did I mention that meals take hours.
We ate in one of the apartments.
It was sort of like Thanksgiving Dinner - card tables at the end of the table - folding chairs -
we all fit and sit and eat together. 
Sant - "we can't forget to leave on time to get Mare" 
Homemade Lasagna!
 of course there was antipasto first and fish after
Then we move to another apartment for dessert.
I wish I could tell you that they were delicious, but I was too stuffed to try anything, and Anna was busy getting champagne glasses - phew.
Donna - "we gotta leave in time to get Mare!"
and then for digestivo ...

Cin cin!
I really like the Limón cello ..
... especially the crema di Lemoncino ...
hey ... we gotta get Mare!!!!
Giusy, Sant, Tom & I jump in the car and head back to Rome to the airport, and Rome traffic.  Oops, Sant had the wrong time for the flight ... she'll arrive 30 minutes earlier than we thought ... and her flight is on time.
We arrive at the airport with not a second to spare - drop off Sant & Giusy to find the right gate - and hope the Mare is not sitting on her bag outside the luggage area.
All is well - they made it in time and Mare had great flights!
Phew - good thing - because we're heading out on the ferry ... no time for jet lag.
Next post - the beautiful Island of Ventotene ...


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